Ridgewood Baptist

Ridgewood Student Ministry seeks to glorify God through studying His Word and by serving His people. We'd love to have you join us!

Meeting Times:

Sunday School (9:45 am) We are going through a Bible-based curriculum called "Bible Studies for Life," in which we discuss core truths in the Bible and how they apply to our lives today.

Sunday Evenings (6 pm) We just started our "Spinning Out" series, which will take us all the way through the book of Judges.

SPLat (Wednesdays, 6:30 pm) SPLat is a more relaxed atmosphere where we play games, hang out, and have Biblical discussions in a non-confrontational way. We just finished a study on the villains of the Bible, and will start our X study, in which we will discuss the Ten Commandments. Come join us!

Upcoming Events:

See You at the Pole Wednesday, Sept. 28 before school (at your school)

Lock-In Friday, Sept. 30, 9 pm - Saturday, Oct. 1, 7 am
Come out for food, games, prizes, and NERF... FOR FREE!